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User Management
& Security

Manage access and security of your dairy supply chain data. 

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In-built platform data security

Data is powerful, but it needs careful governance to keep both your business and your customer information safe. That’s why we’ve ensured MADCAP offers the ability to manage roles, and permissions, along with different levels of access, to provide your organization with complete control over your platform data management and who can access what information. 

Get an auditable access trail

MADCAP manages all available databases and the users and groups that can access each. All changes made in MADCAP are fully audited, including which user made a change and at what date and time. 

The benefits

Access for those who need it

View single menu items such as reports through global access across all modules, being controlled and maintained by the business with no IT involvement. 

MADCAP security


Get a complete audit trail of any changes that are made. At the same time, you can define workflows for staff and groups of staff and apply authentication roles to control your master data more tightly while still allowing changes to be made by non-administrators. 

Customizing software


Run reports suitable for auditors to review. Store contacts and pooling information for producers and members, giving users or groups full access or no access or read-only access for a given menu.  

Working on laptop


Integrate with Active Directory with an easy-to-understand security model. 

Working on laptop (2)


Data is stored having a trail of all changes, when necessary, with the ability to run reports. 

MADCAP login


Security profiling can be customized to your specifications and requirements. 

Looking at laptop

See MADCAP in action


"Reporting is accurate; we now have confidence in our reporting systems without the risk of any inbuilt error."


Ian Dobson Milk Information Manager at Open Country Dairy